Since the day I started on this new journey, I have noticed many changes in my body partly attributable to not drinking. I have lost weight and can fit into clothes I haven’t worn in a decade. I have greater mental balance, am happier at all times of the day, and have much more energy than before. I doubt it’s technically “photographic,” but it feels that way compared to the alternative – murky, muddy, blur of time.

sober living blog


  • SOBRLIFE WATER is a premium 100% Artesian water brand committed to making a positive impact.
  • Alcohol use disorder can have long-term, life threatening effects if left untreated.
  • It doesn’t matter if you are back to day 0 or are celebrating year 15, their online alcohol-free community is here to give strength and to rejoice in your human experience.

Join our supportive sober community where each day becomes a step towards personal growth and lasting positive change. Sober living housing was developed as a response to the co-occurrence of homelessness and addiction. But, unfortunately, even for those who have housing, many leave treatment only to return to living environments that are not recovery focused, where others use substances, or where substances are accessible. Bipolar disorder is a complicated mental health condition characterized by servere mood swings, ranging from manic highs to depressive lows. Recognizing the symptoms is crucial for timely intervention and effective treatment.

sober living blog

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sober living blog

Everyone has a unique experience of recovery from drug addiction or alcoholism, and the best sober living communities account for this with a flexible approach. The average stay in a sober living home is 90 days, but arrangements can be made for a longer stay. In a sober living house environment, professionals are available to help you navigate major changes in your new life. They can also help you determine what length of stay is the right one for you.

  • Sober Mommies was founded by Julie Maida as a judgement-free space for mothers seeking support beyond traditional drug and alcohol recovery methods, like 12-step programs.
  • When she looked for online sober spaces for Black women online and found only one, she started Sober Black Girls Club to increase the representation for women of color.
  • You will learn how to handle your own emotions, set healthy boundaries and form true connections with others.
  • My blog is also intended for people who simply wonder what it’s like to give up alcohol.
  • I was wet, hot, uncomfortable, and in genuine agony… and in my 7 months, this was the first time I felt like I was genuinely detoxed; like the alcohol was oozing out of me.

The Sober Stoic: How to Handle Life’s Difficulties

Some sober living communities in California may also offer specialized programs for those with co-occurring mental health disorders or other unique needs. Whether you’re staying in or going out, we hope this list inspires you to find ways to stay sober and enjoy time with friends and yourself. We’re big advocates for exploring your inner child, taking yourself or solo dates and experimenting with living a sober lifestyle.

“I am Sober. Why Don’t I Feel Better?!!”

  • Sober living houses are often used as a transitional step for people who have completed an inpatient treatment program and are not yet ready to return to everyday living.
  • Enjoy the support, accountability, and positivity of peers when navigating this challenging transitional phase of your recovery at a sober living home.
  • It’s a space where sharing personal stories and experiences isn’t just encouraged but celebrated, forging connections that inspire and heal.
  • You become part of a recovery-focused community to improve your social health.

sober living blog